Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh my Hannah...

I went with Hannah this morning to register for school. I am having issues! She is going to middle school this year, and I can't believe it. She has a locker, different teachers, and an a la carte line at lunch. *sigh* I just can't believe that it is finally here, although I shouldn't REALLY be surprised. After all, she is only about an inch shorter than me and that's if I stand up super tall! She has called all her friends to see if they have any classes together, and got mad at me because I made her sign up for the PTSA under the guise of "I get discounts on stuff if you do." (I am secretly hoping that she will get involved at school and make some NEW friends, but don't tell her that!)

Then, to top it all off, I took her for an eye exam this afternoon and SHE GOT CONTACTS! This is fine, except that this also means she is getting older. And as everyone knows, I AM NOT READY FOR THAT YET!!!!

At least she doesn't have a boyfriend...yet...


Leslie said...

What do you mean yet???? She doesn't tell you everything... Just kidding she is a pretty good kid

JeN said...

I am with you honey.. I have issues with my kids growing up too.. I just can't handle it!!! I really wish we could just freeze time and that shrinking machine Idea I had years ago, would really work!!!!

The Gordons said...

I really can't believe shes that old!!